

Courses in art history cover the traditional Western canon, as well as specialized courses in contemporary Afro-Atlantic and African American art, art and social justice, 管理者的研究, 艺术和市场.


Whatever motivation might bring a student into the Jones Visual Arts Center, an appreciation for the enduring values of art provides solid support for the life of any educated and inquisitive person. Members of the art program believe that an understanding of various forms of the visual arts—both traditional and innovative—enhances our experience and enjoyment of our surroundings, especially its aesthetic aspects, and that art can provide greater meaning to the lives of those seeking to come to terms with it.

Your Major Took You Where?

艺术历史 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • First City Art Center
  • 雪绒花小屋 & 度假村(德国)
  • 为美国而教


  • Sotheby’s Institute of Art
  • University of North Carolina


Centre’s art curriculum accommodates those who want to begin a career in visual art and those who just want to try a course or two. Six courses are available as introductory classes for non-majors: Survey of Western Art, 画, 热玻璃, 陶瓷, Introduction to Photography, and Introduction to Moving Image. 像老年人, the capstone project for art history majors includes writing a paper and giving a public lecture on a research topic of their choice.



Experiential Learning

Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

教师 often accompany students to view historical art locally, nationally and abroad. 辛辛那提, 列克星敦, and Louisville offer galleries and museums, while larger collections and exhibits are found on trips to national locations including New York, 芝加哥, 和费城. Students who study abroad in England, 法国, 和墨西哥, can take classes in art history and have access to some of the world’s greatest museums and historical sites. 


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Students have interned at Gwynn Murrill Sculpture Studio (Los Angeles), Corcoran Museum of Art (D.C.), Manifest Gallery and 画 Center (辛辛那提), Glassbrook (Louisville), San Antonio Museum of Art, 丹佛艺术博物馆, Historic Preservation Society of New Orleans, and Neil Patel Design Studio (New York City).


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Our students have gone on to become professional artists, 博物馆馆长, 艺术品经销商, and scholars of art history. Centre has helped many students embark on these careers, while others have gone on to work as architects, 设计师, and government policymakers in the arts.
